Friday, 11 September 2015

In defence of the upper most caste ( Brahmins ) of Hinduism.

In defence of the upper most caste .

Suddenly there is a lot of talk about the Hindu Caste system due to the ongoing  unrest  against the reservation system  in Universities and the job market . Heres my two cents on this issue . 
Caste is not unique only to the Hindu religion. In some or the other form it has always existed in history among various communities  . For example the Samurai are the warrior class of Japan.   The Mercenary  class  has existed in all regions and religions  since ...  for ever .   They have been trained in vigorous ruthless blood shed generation after generation.  Father to son , they have transferred knowledge  about battles  and remained loyal to their rulers . I remember reading about a  training college for these Mercenaries in some remote place  -  I think Alhambra or Mongolia . A few decades back, It made  for a romantic read I must say .
Go to any museum or castle  in Europe and you are sure to  see paintings  depicting priests  coronating kings of their regions . 

I don't want to dwell on the   how the Caste system originated in the Hindu religion . Its all too well known by now .
 We broadly have 4 castes  ,  Brahmins (priests )  , Kshatriyas ( warriors )  , Vaishyas  ( Businessmen ) and Shudras  ( Anything  which is not included in the other 3 like the professions of Barbers / midwives / cleaners etc.,  ) . 
The early   settlers along the Sindhu river ( who went by the name of  Hindus )  had  divided themselves into guilds  .  One  group  responsible for translating the ancient texts ( which was barely written and mostly orally handed down generation to generation )  , one   body  taking care of iron mongering  etc., , one  batch responsible  for  medicine , one group excelling in cleaning , one  party  bettering   in management of business etc .,
None of the professions had any untouchability or stigma attached to it . Over a period of time , degeneration occurs everywhere and the caste system  too was not immune to this . For instance : People engaged in cleaning  came to be regarded as 'unclean' . Its understandable way back then there were no disinfectents or throw away bin liners . 
 Its  but natural that the son should carry forward his father's profession . Its natal  for a father to  impart his knowledge to his son . So a goldsmith's son is  most likely to shine  in the same profession as his begetter.  
Birds of a feather ( like to )  flock together .The people in the same  craft  are bound to be  associated with common rules/ rituals  / customs / habits  . Small wonder that  slowly  they were grouped under one congregation or one caste .  It made sense for a girl of a caste to marry a boy of her same caste . Among other   factors   ,  it was easy for her to adjust   because  the life style  and behaviour of her in laws will be the same as her own family . 
A   Brahmin girl is taught to make ornaments out of cotton or flowers to decorate the idols  from day one .   A kshatriya girl is  naturally inclined to  adorn the  implements of war like elephants , swords etc.,  or sing encouraging ballads while the retinue is ready to go for war . 
Intercaste marriages  called Anuloma or Pratiloma  ( be it due to love  ,  convenience ,  treaty between two kingdoms  or business houses  ..  ) have always existed parallely  in ancient Hindu history  .
  Shantanu  and Satyavati   , Kacha  and Devayani  are just some of the examples  of the above 
in  the  Hindu mythology .  
The priest  ( Brahmin ) community is the upper most  caste  of Hindus . Since times immemorial , their duties 
 involved       translating  the ancient texts and imparting  the knowledge to other  groups   . Their advice and services were sought  by other  classes during  important  times like the birth of a child , death of some one , appeasing the gods during floods etc.,   The priests traditionally  have not been known for their worldly assets . At the age of 8 , a Brahmin boy had to leave home and stay with his Guru ( teacher ) in dense forests tolerating the  vicissitudes of  day to day life . His duty was to learn and  soak in as much knowledge as possible  .  Even a fistful of flour was considered a good enough   Guru Dakshina ( teaching fee )  in return of the know how he gained from his teacher .  That was  how sacred and self less this act of   knowledge pass-on was  way back then . 
Once he graduated , he lived mostly on alms which he obtained by  going house to house .
 Its totally different if he  finds a patron in some king or some rich businessman. Then , of course ,he  will  own cattle , houses , jewellery and what not . 
A genuine priest , even to this day  does not   ask any fee  for himself .  Its up to the other party to give  what they think fit . 

Its wrong to associate caste with skin colour .  Just like we  logically   associate Charminar  with Hyderabad ,  its commonly understood that priests are fair which the  other  castes are darker . Skin colour and other features ( like height etc ) comes from the region they inhabit .  People belonging to any caste in the North of the subcontinent are usually fair and tall , those in the South are   browner  and shorter . 
It  goes without saying that there are always exceptions to this pattern . 
Life is all give and take .  Whatever caste you belong to , you cannot live in an island . The  'Others'  need some one to read the right hymns to  rest their dead , bless their war mongering elephants and  horses  so that they  come back wining the war,  appease the gods  to have good monsoons etc., 
The   priest  class   needs some one to clean his house , cut his hair  ,  help his wife deliver his progeny etc., 
There are always black sheeps and  rotten apples lurking around . Some priests  twisted the ancient texts to suit their needs . For example  , they would add their own imaginary chapters about the big donation to be given to the intermediary between the gods and the other classes , there by pocketing a huge sum  themselves . But it was and is an exception and not a rule . 
Usually when some one lights says the upper caste  has been domineering the lower castes , they mean ( rather ,SHOULD mean ) the middle rung two castes . The  dispute  is usually between the land owner and the tiller , the king and his subjects  and so on ... 
How is a  priest who is  not privy to colossal  assets , elephants , horses ,massive  land  ...  supposed to subjugate  anyone with anything  and for what reason  For God's Sake ?  
In those days , texts were usually imparted orally . Only since the last few centuries , they were printed and published . Hence it slowly became relatively  easy to gain knowledge by reading these books .  Learning is   more accessible  today. 
At the birth of Democracy ,  reservations were started in many fields like education , careers etc ., which was a very correct step.   A certain number of seats in the college was restricted to students belonging to  a particular  community . Noble thought , indeed. 
A student coming from an educated , aware background with a rich ancestry of literates is bound to have a high grasping power. Au contraire , a young student without much academic help at home is bound to lag back in his class. He needs a  nudge to reach one level higher .  
The middle class is a  new phenomenon which   has come into existence only a few decades back. People belonging to all communities /religions and castes form a part of the middle class world wide . We share the same lifestyle . We all own  a couple of  cars , a couple of children ,  a couple of houses .  If we  are not rich enough to  own horses, we are  also not poor enough to clean horses for a living . Our lives are not led in extremes .
we  have enough to  rent horses for birthdays and parties. A huge group of people from varied backgrounds / castes / religions  can sit and chat  for hours together without getting religion or caste in their conversation  today . Their talk will border mostly on  common topics of rising prices , increased taxes , failing administration  , school fees etc., Inter caste , inter religious and also inter racial marriages are common place and well accepted in the society today  since the life style is  becoming more or less the same . 
To take an example : There is no scar attached to professions like  barbars today . We have high tech hair spas managed by people holding degress to this effect . 
Many of the so called upper castes are today cleaning railway platforms or worse due to lack of opportunities in education or the job market  . Paralelly  many of the so called lower castes today are   scientists or surgeons  ( a position well earned , no doubt ) with their honest hard work and also thanx  to reservations in schools or jobs .
With so many things going against the priests of today  and equally many things going for the other castes , Its high time the world stopped  looking at the upper most caste with suspicion ,jealousy or  contempt . 

#Brahmins #agraharam #caste #Hinduism 

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